Sunday, October 27, 2013

Faith in humanity

We motored through the ICW today, passing the Kennedy Space Center and completing our journey (during daylight hours) in the spoils (man-made islands) just South of Malabar, FL.  Surveying the island,  (one of about seven?), we assumed that the people already on the island were in a group and would be unhappy with our presence.  (Cyrus was just happy to see kids that might play with him- way better than his naggy parents).   As we arrived, however, we were greeted by several friendly people- especially Bruce, the self- proclaimed care taker of that particular island (maybe .5 mile in circumference?).  Turned out that
Bruce, a member of the Malibar Mariners, who have adopted the island, was a seasoned sailor and happy to share stories of adventure and advice on anchoring...for better or worse.
We pulled in to our Malabar island anchorage needing ice (need?  yes.. need).  Bruce was happy to share stories and, after a questioning period, rum and cokes.  Tyler attempted to dingy to shore for ice and beer, however, fate would say no and Bruce ended up saving the day.
I am sure that Bruce and I would not agree about many things- religious and political, however, the only thing that mattered when we pulled up was that we shared a love of the water and the island.  Bruce happily shared his fire pit, home-made salsa and alcohol, and all for a bit of conversation.  I wish we were all more like Bruce, happy to share what we have without condition and welcoming to all who come.

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