Wednesday, October 9, 2013

See? it's not all that bad

After all the drama from last night, I'm happy to report that we have normal water again- including a new additional water bladder and functioning shower (and drain) in the head.
The super boat engine mechanic came and said we simply need new engine mounts- fingers crossed that does the trick. And-
As luck would have it... The mobile septic holding tank cleanout guy pulled up in the marina today to pull his boat out and fix it over night- he'll do a clean out of our tank tomorrow for $5 just because he's here.  He doesn't really do that for boats like ours- total karma payback.  I will continue to tip 20+% and pick up every nail I see on the ground. 
And finally, late tonight, the winds have died down and the waves are calm... 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys are having all of your "adventure" while still in the marina! Keep the faith... keep plugging away.... alle anfangen schwer sind!
