We had to motor our boat to the Seven Seas boatyard today- which is approximately 10 miles north of New Smyrna Beach in Port Orange. Besides simply making it up the ICW without running into a sandbar, the highlight of the trip was making our first bridge call- which sounded something like this, "George Musson bridge George Musson bridge, this is .....(squeak- pause.. Tyler is waving is arms mouthing turn off the other radio) um.. Sailboat Mirage," "sailboat Mirage this is George Musson bridge over," "we are requesting...(another small pause- To go through? To go under? For you to open?) ... Passage through the bridge (no kidding)." (I swear I heard a hint of amusement in the bridge controller's voice) "The bridge will be raising in approximately 9 minutes over," "copy that, thank you," ( for not laughing at me over the radio).
Have to admit- it was kinda cool to hold up traffic- I hope no one was in a real hurry. :)
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