Saturday, December 14, 2013

Chub Cay

After running aground off of Stirrup Cay, we moved our boat to a slightly less rolly anchorage and tried to recoup a bit.  After coffee and a swim, we checked our weather window for traveling north to Sandy Point on Abaco.  As luck would have it, the best day for sailing was that very day.  We considered the possibility, and then changed our route to Eleuthera- opting to go south to Chub Cay, cross to Nassau and then make a last 35-mile trip to Spanish Wells.
We anchored in Bullocks Harbor and left at first light, in a light rain, for Chub Cay.  This route was actually back-tracking a bit, however, back-tracking is simply not the same in cruising terms.
We arrived in Chub Cay at around 3:30pm- with 5 other boats already anchored in a tiny curve in the beach away from the tidal surge and wind.  Luckily, our boat only draws (length below the waterline) 4 feet 4 inches, so we can sneak in a bit further than other boats.
We tucked into our spot, set the anchor (in 2 tries) and then SWAM!!!
Cyrus insisted that I swim with him.  At first, I was hesitant because I was tired and brain-dead from a long trek- but, as you may know, Cyrus usually gets his way.  We played and swam until sunset- finding giant starfish and pledging to repeat the swim first thing in the morning.
That said- Chub Cay has nothing but a marina with an over-priced restaurant (not uncommon in the Bahamas)- so Tyler's dream of a burger and beer was replaced with homemade spaghetti bolognaise and red wine....such is the life!
Swimming with Mirage in background

Starfish and our anchor- notice it is sitting on it's side- not really how it is supposed to work
thank god for 100 feet of chain- Thank you Keath!

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